Fee Policy
- Registration Fee is one-time fee to be paid by all students applying for admission. It is a non-refundable and non- transferable fee.
- The Security Deposit fee is to be paid by all students applying for admission. It will be refunded without interest after the completion of the student’s studies at DYPISW.
- The Academic fee includes the Tuition fee, use of school laboratories, school computer centre and the school library. It can be paid in two installments. Fees once paid to the school will not be refunded under any circumstances.
- The deposit of Registration Fee and submission of Registration Form does not in any way guarantee admission to the School and the School reserves its right to refuse to accept any and/or all proposed admissions and may reject any and/or all Registration Form(s) received in that regard based on the admission process followed by the School. The decisions of the School in that regard shall be final and binding.
- At the time of admission, a formal acceptance letter will be given by the School to the concerned parents. The concerned parents will be required to complete the enrolment process indicated in the formal acceptance letter.
- The Fee(s) can be paid through a crossed cheque or demand draft in favour of D Y PATIL INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL or online (through payment gateway details of which will be provided by the school on request). No cash will be accepted by the School.