Learning at DYPIS
IB Early Years & Primary Years Programme
The IB Primary years programme (PYP) is designed for students between the ages of 3 to 12 years. It is an international, transdisiplinary programme designed to foster the holistic development of the child.
IB Early Years: Nursery –Senior Kindergarten (ages 3-6 yrs)
Early Years are innovative, imaginative and observant beings; the power of play encourages them to develop social, cognitive, language and critical thinking skills. It is through play, we develop life skills in our students, help them regulate their thoughts and form an understanding of the world around them.
IB Primary Years: Grade 1- 5 (ages 6-11 yrs)
The Primary Years Programme at DYPISW encourages young students to become active participants in the educational process as they ask questions and then find the answers through guided explorations. The transdisciplinary approach reiterates our that knowledge goes beyond individual subject areas, thus aiding development of skills, concepts and attitudes, which form the core of any learning attitude that prepares the students to initiate socially responsible action
The six transdisciplinary themes provide the framework for students to engage in rich, meaningful inquiry. The six transdisciplinary themes are addressed each year by all students. (Students aged 3 to 5 engage with four of the themes each year.)
Students are encouraged to think independently, make choices, become problem-solvers, express themselves creatively and work cooperatively with others. The units of inquiry are designed in a way that transcends beyond the specific subject boundaries. The programme can be graphically be represented as a hexagon with the six themes encircled by six subject areas.
The transdisciplinary themes and subject areas outlined below form the knowledge element of our programme.
- Languages
- Language A : English
- Language B : Hindi/Marathi/French
- Mathematics
- Social Studies
- Science
- Arts
- Visual Arts
- Performing arts: Music (Vocals) and Dance
- Personal, social and physical education
Age Criteria, Eligibility & School Timings
Age Group
Timing (Monday to Friday)
3 years to 12 years
8:15 am to 3:00 pm
Learner Profile - The IB mission statement in action
Approaches to Learning (ATL skills): An integral part of an IB education
Approaches to learning (ATL) are an integral part of an IB
education and complement the learner profile, knowledge,
conceptual understanding and inquiry.
- Approaches to learning (ATL) are grounded in the belief that learning how to learn is fundamental to a
student’s education. - Five categories of interrelated skills and associated sub-skills support students of all ages to become self-regulated learners.
- Through a variety of strategies, teachers collaboratively plan for implicit and explicit opportunities to develop ATL both inside and outside the programme of inquiry.
Source: From Principles Into Practice – ibo.org – PYP Resources

Students in the final year of the PYP plan out an extended, collaborative inquiry project known as the “Exhibition”. This represents a significant event in the life of both the student and the school, synthesizing the essential elements of the programme and sharing them with the entire school community. IT is an opportunity for students to exhibit the attributes of the Learner Profile that are
developed throughout their PYP learning. It is a culmination marking the end of their successful journey in the PYP.
Assessment @ DYPIS Worli
The purposes of assessment are to:
– Promote student learning
– Provide information about student learning
– Contribute to the successful implementation of the programme.
For more information about the PYP and International Baccalaureate visit www.ibo.org
The PYP programme at DYPIS Worli is committed to the development of students according to the IB Learner Profile.