Why you should choose Cambridge International AS & A Level

Introduced in 1951, the A levels are considered the gold standard by universities across the world, and so it’s no surprise that the programme’s international footprint is impressive: over 10,000 schools in 160 countries across the globe offer the course, secure in the knowledge that an A-Level certificate is a passport into the best universities the world over.

Why you should choose Cambridge International AS & A Level?

At this stage of your schooling, you could be forgiven for thinking that the AS and A levels are just another bunch of initials to add to the ever-growing letters swimming in an alphabet soup of academic options. But if you’re considering the A-Levels programme, you’re at the brink of an important decision that could be one of the smartest educational choices you make.

A pre-university programme conducted by the UK’s prestigious Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE), the A-Levels are the benchmark of globally recognised pre-university academic qualifications. Introduced in 1951, the A levels are considered the gold standard by universities across the world, and so it’s no surprise that the programme’s international footprint is impressive: over 10,000 schools in 160 countries across the globe offer the course, secure in the knowledge that an A-Level certificate is a passport into the best universities the world over.

If you’re an IGCSE student, you’re already familiar with the Cambridge educational ethos: a wide range of subjects taught with a depth and rigour that translates into a meaningful, relevant and enjoyable education. But that doesn’t mean the A-Levels are not for you if you’re not an IGCSE student. The course is structured logically and builds on subject content you will already be familiar with while encouraging you to think independently and creatively about what you’re learning. At DYPIS, your teachers will help you navigate your path every step of the way through this challenging and fulfilling programme.

What will your A-Level syllabus look like? At DYPIS, you’ll choose from the Maths and Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Computer Science) and the Arts and Humanities (Economics, Business, Psychology, Accounting, Art & Design). Additionally, as an A-Level student, you’ll do an English Language paper that develops your communication skills and presents you with an opportunity to discuss and debate a range of exciting topics, from science and technology to the media and culture, from art and ethics to cinema and fashion.

You’ll delve deep into the subjects that interest you most, learn to apply your knowledge and understanding to new situations, figure out how to pick and choose from the endless world of online resources so that you can access those most applicable to your study. You’ll learn how to think logically and present your thoughts in an organised and coherent way. All in all, at the end of your two years A Level course, you’ll emerge a confident, reflective and engaged world citizen, equipped to successfully take on the challenges and success that awaits you in today’s ever-changing global scenario.

The A-Level programme is an avenue you’ll be smart to explore. Drop-in at DYPIS, and let’s discuss how to take it from here.

Ms. Avan Jesia

Language & Literature Teacher, D Y Patil International School, Worli