The brighter side of the pandemic

Let us take this lockdown in a positive way, rather than cribbing and crying over it. Here are some different ways we can be productive during the lockdown.

We often tend to get extremely bored in these times and the first thing that comes to our mind is to grab a tub of popcorn and watch something. Watching TV shows and movies keeps our minds occupied but also makes us lazy. Let us take this lockdown in a positive way, rather than cribbing and crying over it. Here are some different ways we can be productive during the lockdown.

  1. Meditate and work on yourself:
    Learn how to be calmer and release all your stress. Work on your body and become a more fit person who you can be proud of. Start loving yourself – trust me you’re worth it!
  2. Try something you have never done before:
    Life is all about trying new things! Learn a new language, learn how to play an instrument, practice your cooking skills, dance, sing – there are so many things you can do.
  3. Express your feelings:
    Write your feelings down in a daily journal – it’s always good to write your feelings down. Not only writing, but you can also express your feelings in the form of art, dance, or music.
  4. Spend time with your family:
    Daily we are so busy with school, classes, work, exams, etc. This is the perfect time to sit back and relax. Spend time with your grandparents and parents by playing games with them, or even having random conversations with them. This will just make your bond stronger and stronger with each day.
  5. Just do nothing:
    This is the perfect time for you to just do nothing. Sit back with a cup of coffee and be grateful for whatever you have, stargaze or just appreciate the purity of nature.

Let’s make the most of it!

Dia Makhecha,

Grade 9, DYPIS Worli