Bread for Every Breath

Education and awareness are the first steps to understanding and solving any issue — and world hunger is no different. UN Food World Program finds seeds of hope in the enduring food crisis.

“Close to a billion people – one-eighth of the world’s population – still live in hunger. Each year two million children die from malnutrition. This is happening at a time when doctors are warning of the spread of obesity. We are eating too much while others starve.” – Jonathan Sacks, Jewish scholar.

Education and awareness are the first steps to understanding and solving any issue — and world hunger is no different. UN Food World Program finds seeds of hope in the enduring food crisis. The number of hungry people in the world has been reduced to a bit below 800 million, or roughly one of every nine people alive, according to the most recent data from FAO’s annual State of Food Insecurity in the World. That’s definitely an unacceptable number and our goal must be the total and definitive eradication of hunger.

Charity begins at home and in this noble endeavour to tackle zero hunger (United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal) a group of enthusiastic students of DYPIS Worli has taken up the mission of making a meaningful contribution towards eradicating hunger. They call their project ‘Make Meals Matter (MMM)’ which is a movement that intends to feed the underprivileged. With an idealistic vision, the Steering Committee (Anandita Patil, Arsh Mamania, Ananddi Singhania, Kiara Ladhani, and Maahika Kanakia) is presently in Grade 8 plan to annihilate zero hunger by purchasing healthy food by fundraising and hand over to people grappling under the pressure of the economic crisis.  Studying about zero hunger extensively, sensitized this team to the enormity of the problem and the realization of the importance of Zero Hunger & GSL Goals.

To ensure the inflow of funds MMM committee organized a Diwali Bazaar, wherein products like chocolates, Diwali lights, and gift envelopes made by them were sold. This raised the seed money of £120 for the team’s needs like transportation, t-shirts, and labels. To raise funds, they also reached out to friends, relatives, and parent’s associates around the world and the response was overwhelming with a collection of £6800 and still counting. They further amplified the project through social media to spread the word about the importance of zero hunger. Along with familiar platforms like Instagram and YouTube tried new modes of communication. – such as WordPress and Podcasts on Spotify. They also launched the challenge of #cleanmyplate on social media for goal#12 – responsible consumption and

production with Zero wastage given vital importance. WhatsApp groups played a large role in information, fund collections, team building, and branding. Social media work was assigned amongst team members, thus ensuring systematic collaboration-

Anandita- Instagram Handle- Got an internship to handle an organizations’ social media.

Maahika- Blog Handle- Was featured on the school blog page.

Kiara- Podcast Handle- Helped with speaking during virtual presentations.

Aarsh- YouTube Handle- Worked on the school MUN design and tech committee.

The entire project was launched at a time of the pandemic raging globally, and hence the most daunting challenge was to physically go out on the streets and distribute food to the underprivileged. Micro detailed precautions of safety were meticulously put into an SOP and which was followed religiously.

“The war against hunger is truly mankind’s war of liberation.”

Our compassionate hunger warriors identified 100 underprivileged families within a radius of 2kms of their school. They made MMM Food Packages of 22kgs containing a month’s supply of rice, whole wheat, pulses, lentils, sugar, salt, and oil distributing them on monthly basis to the families (COVID pandemic and lockdowns couldn’t deter them) and have raised funds to ensure a year’s supply. They have also adopted an orphanage in Titwala village, on the outskirts of Mumbai providing MMM Food Packages every month. More importantly, they have visited and interacted with the children, taught them activities like urban gardening (as a part of their GSL project, Grow Fresh Eat Fresh), pebble art, and organized a football match as well. A conscious effort to make wholesome vegetarian meals for the underprivileged and distribute them in recycled materials for containers also took shape and this group of enthusiastic students personally distributed these food packets.

The mission of MMM and the powerful networking of the team also invited the attention and cooperation of strong tie ups for Community Partnerships and high-profile Celebrity Endorsements

MR SANJEEV KAPOOR – Celebrity Chef, launched Make Meals Matter Food Package. He appreciated the efforts of MMM at contributing to Zero Hunger, with an official video.

MR CHAHAL SINGH – Mumbai City’s Municipal Commissioner, gave them an audience and applauded their efforts. He also encouraged them by giving full support for food distribution during COVID.

MR ARZAN KHAMBATTA – Celebrity Artist famous for Scrap Metal Sculptures, teamed with them to help paint the 75 feet wall mural with Zero Hunger messages.

MAHARASHTRA TIMES, Mumbai’s Leading Marathi Daily of The Times Group (with a circulation of over 1 million readerships), covered this initiative twice and encouraged by giving the effort lot of credibility and awareness which immensely helped in fundraising.

MMM collaborated with RASHMI SMILE TRUST to help them with fundraising. They were also supported by ROBIN HOOD FOOD ARMY who send volunteers to distribute the Food Packages. Virtually, MMM also collaborated with other GSL Teams like Hot Dogs, We Together, Manta from the Wave, Gender Equality, Dreamcatchers (Peru). They supported each other to amplify each other’s projects. E.g.: To contribute to Hot Dogs SDG # 15 (Life on Land) MMM fed 450 cows in a cow shelter and a host of other animals and birds – in reciprocation Hot Dogs fed 700 meals to the homeless in their area.

Finally, to ensure the sustainability of the project the committee proposes to have

MMM Club: An ideal way to continue Make Meals Matter in all the D Y Patil Institutions. Each of the sister schools will have MMM clubs with members and leaders with a prime focus to create sustainable work. Enrolment for the club is already in the process.

MMM Wall Mural: To create awareness in our city, The Municipal Commissioner of Mumbai has granted permission for painting a wall (75 feet x 6 feet) on a prominent road in the city. Top professional artists, students from 6 neighboring schools, and a host of sponsors collaborated in painting the message of zero hunger.

Zero Waste Schools & Societies– To make zero waste societies by teaching the community simple ways to reduce food wastage Extra food will be collected from buildings and societies and distributed by the Community Partners, and Robin Hood Food Army, among the needy.

The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would suffice to solve most of the world’s problems” Mahatma Gandhi

In this endeavour of MMM the team has been constantly supported and guided by the DYPIS Worli Head of school Ms. Kinnari Shah, Senior Management Team and dedicated teachers.

Anandita along with her teammates feel that what inspires them to forge ahead is the satisfaction of looking into the joy and happiness of the children of the slum they visit. “Come and see our new friends are here” is the way they are greeted by these children. Team MMM remains undeterred and undaunted in their mission to eradicate hunger in a small way but with a big heart as they unitedly believe in “To strive, to seek to find and not to yield.”

Ms. Tapati Ghatak

English Facilitator, D Y Patil International School, Worli